The City of Bellefontaine Neighbors maintains an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that outlines actions to be taken by local government officials and cooperating private or volunteer organizations to: 1) prevent avoidable disasters and reduce the vulnerability of Bellefontaine Neighbors residents to any disasters that may strike; 2) establish capabilities for protecting citizens from the effects of disasters; 3) respond effectively to the actual occurrence of disasters; and 4) provide for recovery in the aftermath of any emergency involving extensive damage within the county.
It is not the intent of this plan to attempt to deal with those events that happen on a daily basis, which do not cause widespread problems and are handled routinely by the city and/or county agencies. It will, however, attempt to deal with those occurrences such as tornadoes, earthquakes, hazardous materials incidents, etc., which create needs and cause suffering that the victims cannot alleviate without assistance, and that requires an extraordinary commitment of government resources.
The City of Bellefontaine Neighbors EOP was developed through the efforts of the Bellefontaine Neighbors Emergency Management Director with assistance provided by the State Emergency Management Agency. During the development, various agencies, organizations, and county and city governments were interviewed to discuss their roles, responsibilities, and capabilities in an emergency. This plan is a result of their input.
The City of Bellefontaine Neighbors’ EOP is a multi-hazard, functional plan, broken into three components: 1) a basic plan that serves as an overview of the jurisdiction's approach to emergency management; 2) annexes that address specific activities critical to emergency response and recovery; and 3) appendices which support each annex and contain technical information, details, and methods for use in emergency operations.
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